It's been a while now that I've been fascinated by knots, the simple ones and the more complex,
and i just had to integrate it into my wire crochet creations.
I started reading around (thanking the universe for bringing the internet into our lives....) , I found endless sources about Celtic and Chinese knots , apparently I'm not the only one fascinated about them these days, or maybe not just these days.
Although I'm not Irish (at lest as far as I know) , and although my red hair isn't really mine either, i decided I could "adopt" the knotting into my knitting (nice....)
Im trying to figure out WHY, although its not really that important and I think that maybe the fact that knots have been around for thousands of years if not more, simply adds a flavor that only renewed and recycled objects can bring.
or maybe its the simplicity, its one of these things that anyone can do , a universal knowledge.
In the photo is my
celtic heart necklace , made of a handmade crocheted chain, (executed in my invisible spool knitting technique) , it is made of fine fine yellow gold filled wire.
more will come in this direction.... I promise :)