
excellent,very satisfied,thank you.all my friends like them,and ive told them,where and who i got them from,thanks again. Get this Widget

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Autumn collection

A couple of days ago I shipped out a very colorful autumn collection to a gallery in France. The color combination (picked by my client) filled me with so much joy that I was inspired to take some arty snapshots of this color celebration.
These are of course only a fraction out of the many snapshots i took and the items i sent.... but it I hope it does express the joy.
when I will find the time I want to combine the photos into a short film that in hope will show the items" dancing",or i other words a new item on my to do list was just born....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hearts study

Last year just a little before Valentines day I decided a girl should have at least one heart design at her shop, I tried and I tried, came up with something that didn't turn out to be a hit....
The only one enjoying it is my 12 year old. I put it aside and decided when it will come, it will come and apparently Valentines isn't a good enough excuse for my creativity to come up with a pattern.

Yesterday or actually the day before in the middle of all these wonderful "getting ready to Christmas" wholesale orders that started coming in, it hit me..... I felt I have a direction that needs to explored.

I made one, then another one then another one..... and the forth one I'm wearing right now.
So - I feel I tackled this 3d form in my crochet technique, not sure jewelry wise if and how yet but I'm really happy with the results, especially before I take off the "needs to be cut" wires, isn't that a fun photo?
enjoy :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Line of dream-catcher charms

Not so long ago I found a photo I took about 20 years ago when I was preparing my first portfolio for applying to design school.
It was a red empty frame I made out of carton, sometimes a frame tells the whole story, this led me to designing this series of flowery empty circles, that focuses on the outskirt rather then the center.

The first was actually red but I didn't take a snap shot of it so you will take my word for that :)
When it was finished I struggled a lot over a name, frame sounded odd, empty sounded bad, I decided to call it a dream catcher, it reflected the dreamy and mysterious feeling it gave me it was ready, but now that I write these thing i wonder weather outskirt could be more interesting....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vintage touch

As a designer I've been struggling for years between admiring vintage and brocante while being involved in the development of new products on a daily basis.
On one hand developing new products add interest to our eyes and lives and hopefully improves it and on the other hand old stuff has it charms and the weight of time.

My hubby that is a designer as well solved his inner conflict by collecting vintage tools and small objects (I do not approve for large ones that will block the house, which is already packed as it is).

I'm still looking for mine....
In the spirit of vintage I decided to launch a line of oxidized silver jewelry, I started with my hoops, sunflowers and drops but will continue with more with time. The oxidization gives the silver depth thanks to the different shades of gray and visual weight.
Tell me what you think, I'm curious to hear....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My tuts now also in French

It's no secret to anyone who knows me that I LOVE French.... who doesn't?
A couple of years ago I wouldn't even dream to be able to speak or understand this super enchanting language, BUT as life often make the plans for us better then we would have done ourselves, I found myself on a relocation period in the French speaking part of Switzerland.

Not only that for the first time in my life i did not go to work... but also I was in the perfect place to learn French. Any French speaker would tell you that it's not really French what they speak because it is soooooo sloooooow, what could be better then this for a beginner?

But this is not what I wanted to write about, I got carried away...
From time to time I naturally get both jewelry orders and tutorial purchases from French speaking clients, and to my good fortune (in continuous of what I wrote earlier about life bringing us what we want or need), a very nice French girl bought some time ago one of my tuts. We started chatting as it often happens and she offered to translate it into French. I was of course thrilled !! to be able to read my instructions in French was delighting (I of course could understand it but could have not dreamed of writing it myself).

My French angle is called Agathe Majou
I believe thi is a good opportunity to thank her :)
You are welcome to visit her blog :

The first tut I'm publishing is the pixie beads or as it called in French :
"Perles en Filet d'Argent" sounds heavenly, doesn't it?
More will follow shortly.....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

You are invited

Hi all,
I'm having tomorrow a summer sale together with the fashion designer Orly Linkovsky.
It will be held in a VERY nice house in Moshav Beer-Tuvia (see map).
I will be presenting both my silver and gold collection and of course my poms, pears and lampshades.
you are all invited:)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Paper Pomegranate

The Paper Pomegranate summer issue came in the mail this morning, it was my first issue since I only joined the guild lately.
When I joined I sent some info and photos about my wire pomegranates to the editor, apparently he found it interesting enough for the other guild members and put half a page editorial mention of me and my work, I was and still am SO excited about it.

Although I'm not religious and don't consider myself a traditional person I feel somehow connected to this guild.

For those of you that don't know the guild it has a website where you can read more and maybe join too.

here is a short quote from the website :
"When members of the Pomegranate Guild sit down to stitch, they are making more than just table linens and wall hangings. They are reviving Jewish traditions through their work with textiles. Some create their works as heirlooms for their children; others stitch to recreate memories of ceremonial objects or perhaps of family members lost in the Holocaust. All their works are expressions of their heritage and their religious faith."

Here is the scanned editorial about my work:

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